
Qais (Arabic: قيس‎), also spelled Qays or Kais, were an Arabian tribe branched from the Mudhar Adnani groups.


Main branches of Qais

The main branches of the Qais tribes are the Banu Sulaym, Hawazin and the Banu Ghatafan. These three main groups remained in the Eastern Hejaz until the 7th century. They first fought the Ansari and Qurayshi Muslims, but converted to Islam after their defeat in the Battle of Hunayn. The Qaysis branched into more subgroups during the Umayyad Caliphate.

Qais-Kalbid rivalry

Battles between the Azdi Muslim Ansar and the Qais, then pagan tribes of Arabia will continue until the 18th century in battles fought between them regardless of religious affiliations in Tunisia, Sicily, Syria, Lebanon and Spain.

Qais and Islam

In the pre-Islamic times Qais tribes were known to be a Notorious threat to Caravans passing Nejd or Hijaz. Quresh paid them an annual third of its date harvest to help eliminate the Muslims in Yathrib.

Sack of Al Qudr 624 AD

After the Battle of Badr The Banu Saleem were preparing to raid Yathrib. Muslims departing Badr after their victory there, sacked al-Qudr Oasis and took 500 camels as booty.

Battle of Ahzab 627 AD

The Qais tribes were the second major contributor in manpower to the Battle of Ahzab behind Quraysh.

Battle of Khaybar 629 AD

After the Jews' betrayal of the Muslims in the Battle of the Ahzab, the Jews of Khaybar sensed the rising threat of the Muslims and established a joint defense agreement with the tribe of Ghatafan.

The Muslims marched against the Jewish Fortress, so the Jews called upon their allies to come aid them against the Muslims. Approximately 4,000 Ghatafani fighters marched towards Khaybar. However, The Banu Ghatafan experienced a paranormal experience, according to Islamic tradition.[1] So The Ghatafan tribes feared that their families were threatened and returned home to find their families surprised to see them.
